About Redeemer Fellowship

Redeemer Fellowship is a Bible-teaching church serving the Loma Linda community and the Inland Empire. Our core values include expository preaching, singing songs that are rich in truth, and celebrating the Lord’s table each Sunday. The congregation encourages families to attend church together and welcomes children in the worship service. Redeemer Kids and Redeemer Teens Sunday schools meet after church. They discuss the sermon, memorize Scripture, and are encouraged to ask questions. Worship our Lord Jesus with us in-person or online this Sunday!
Gary Inrig is the lead pastor of Redeemer Fellowship. He holds D.Min. and Th.M. degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary. Besides pastoring, he has authored twelve books and has taught in various capacities in many seminars and Bible colleges.
9:30 AM | Worship Service in-person and Live Stream (Stream begins at 9:00 AM)
11:00 AM | Redeemer Kids Class with Nikki Stevenson and Fran Mulder (K-7, Front Room)
11:00 AM | Redeemer Teens Class with the Herwigs and the Quinleys (8–12, Teen’s Room)
9:30 AM | Women of the Word with Elizabeth Inrig (in the Fellowship Room and on Zoom)
6:30 PM | Women of the Word with Elizabeth Inrig (at Inrig’s home and on Zoom)
7:00 PM | Word Search with Gary Inrig (Zoom)
8:00 AM | Women’s “Just Prayer” with Elizabeth Inrig (Zoom)
7:00 PM | Former Adventist Fellowship with Richard and Colleen Tinker (at Tinker’s home and on Zoom)
Worship With Us This Sunday
Gary Inrig
Tom Anderson
Bruce Herwig, Chairman
Gary Inrig
John Lu