CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES are scheduled regularly, and include game nights, social events, swimming, and more!

SUNDAY SCHOOL meets after the worship service at 11:00 AM in the Kid’s Room. Lessons are based “Generations of Grace”, and a fun activity is included each Sunday. Teachers include Amy and Bruce Herwig.

  • Meets 10 minutes after the church service in the Kid’s Room.
  • Designed for Kindergarten through seventh grade
  • Visitors are welcome.
  • Parents are welcome to observe the children’s class, to attend the Adult’s class, or to fellowship in the Worship Room.


THE CHURCH SERVICE is a wonderful place for children, and Redeemer Fellowship encourages families to worship together in church. Children’s sermon outlines, coloring pages, and activity sheets are available to help children participate in the service.

  • Clipboards with a choice of activity sheets, coloring pages, or sermon outlines
  • Colored pencils for coloring
  • A variety of stickers for younger tots